Environmental business solutions
Pax Certifications provides assistance to businesses that want to work with sustainable solutions. Solutions that address the Social, Environmental and Ethical aspects relating to Company’s operations, products, customers and the supply chain. Hands-on Solutions are specifically tailored for the company, delivering value in terms of better environmental management, marketing opportunities and competitiveness, both legal and customer compliance as well as societal, sustainable development.
Read more about the services on below.
Whether a company is providing a service or selling products it is now essential to have the environmental, social and ethical aspects relating to its operations and its products in order.
Both public and private procurers are requiring documentation such as Ecolabels, audits and standards to prove that production processes and working conditions are not in violation of various rules, regulations and requirements.
There are however many Ecolabels, platforms, standards etc and it can be rather confusing for businesses. In addition, procurers often ask for documentation to show compliance to various social and environmental requirements they prioritise and that adds to the confusion.
Pax Certifications can offer assistance and advise on the best possible “value” solutions by examining the nature of your business, your customers requirements, available compliance tools and applicable regulations
Official Ecolabels with a high recognition level are an excellent way of promoting one’s products. The Nordic Swan for example is known by 95% of the Danish population and 63% look for it on products. It’s an easy way of making a choice that is better for the environment but also of good quality and good working conditions for the workers.
Pax Certifications has been working with the 2 official Ecolabels in Danmark for the last 25 years by assisting companies:
- In the application process of preparing the documentation needed to apply as well as solving criteria compliance complications.
- Compliance management during the Licence period
- Workshops for staff on awareness, use of and marketing of the Ecolabel
Pax certifications has also participated and led numerous Ecolabelling projects regarding the Awareness and Marketing of the EU Ecolabel both throughout the EU and internationally.
The 2 official Ecolabel schemes in Denmark are:
SCR is about taking responsibility and being accountable for the social and ethical aspects related to the company’s operations, production and supply chain.
Pax Certifications provides assistance in identifying and establishing practices to take care of the social impacts within a company’s own operations and throughout the supply chain through:
- Responsible procurement practices
- Accountability and Compliance processes
- Established self-regulating CSR routines in such initiatives as Global Compact, Amfori etc.
- Third party audits
- Establishing of local support projects in production areas
- Developing and implementing policies, strategies and action plans for addressing negative impacts
- Assistance with the obligatory worksite evaluation (APV)
- Personnel workshops
Competence building and participation responsibilities with various CRS initiatives such as the UN Global Compact and SDGs:
Working with the environmental aspects in a company means looking at the various impacts relating to one’s operations and products and finding solutions to optimise these. For many European companies, production takes place abroad and that means that environmental impacts at home concern resource use, waste and how to optimise these.
It is important to also map and identify the environmental impacts that occur throughout the value chain and find a way to manage these.
Pax Certifications offers assistance in:
- Development of an environmental management system to improve environmental performance.
- Formulation of an Environmental policy and Environmental requirements that include:
- Legal Compliance
- Resource efficiency
- Waste reduction and water discharges management
- Power generation
- Storage and transport
- Emissions
- Chemical use
- Materials and Product traceability and environmental performance of the suppliers and sub-suppliers.
- Product development and environmental marketing possibilities.
Circular Economy is basically a concept aimed at generating value and hence profit in a sustainable manner.
Resource efficiency throughout the life cycle of a product is a core element of a Circular business model. It follows that it is vital to Identify the areas where best possible value solutions are available
In textiles for example, a circular business model would look at resource efficiency in the production, packaging, use and end of use.
In order to optimise resources, and generate profit within this model, it is important to look at choice of materials streams, chemicals use, energy, water use and waste in the production stage. As well as a products life time, recycling, repair, refurbishing and remaking possibilities in the Use and End of Use stages
Circular business models vary according to the nature of the business, existing possibilities and available technologies.
Pax Certifications provides assistance in:
- Developing circular economy business models that are relevant and aimed at generating value for the company
- CO2 impacts measurement, targets and implementation of actions to reduce the CO2 footprint
- Product life cycle analysis and identification of possibilities, and activities to enhance environmental and business opportunities.
Pax Certifications has been working with Sustainable business solutions for over 25 years.
Experience includes:
A large number of EU Ecolabel and Nordic Swan Certifications both for:
Danish companies such as Borch textile group, Hoffmann Firmatøj, Kansas Weenas, Mammut, CADO, Blanche, Nybo Jensen, Sunds Velour, Auping, Da´Core, B.W. Wernerfelt Group, F. Engel, Jyden, Kentaur, Mascot, Anky etc.
International companies such as Klopman International SpA Penfabric, Bekaert Decoration, Textiles Leinefelder Textilwerke, Thong Thai textile, Asia fiber, P.T. Tyfoontex etc.
Numerous workshops, training and seminars for companies, organisations and Competent Bodies in countries such as:
Denmark, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Austria, France, Italy, Germany, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Syria.
Participation in numerous National, EU and UN projects that include:.
“European Clothing Action Plan (ECAP Fibre to Fibre)”
“Sustainable Apparel Coalition – SME Brand pilot project regarding the Higg index”
“Development and implementation of a marketing strategy for the EU Ecolabel”
“EU-CONCERTO Class1 Cost effective Low energy Advanced sustainable solutions project)”
“Organisation of workshops in EU-12 Member States in support of the EU Ecolabel scheme”
”Socialøkonomisk upcycling af uniformer, Incita-Mammut”
“Changing the trend”. (Researching and developing marketing techniques for environmental products)
“Miljøkompetencerordningen”. (Environmental management system development and product certification for 14 companies)
“Training of trainers UNEP-program- Enabling developing countries to seize Ecolabel opportunities)”
Product development and marketing such as the Nordic Swan certified clothing as seen here.
Presently Pax Certifications provides CSR consulting for a number of companies that include:
Mammut Work wear, Hoffmann Group, Borch Textiles Group, CADO, Servicefirmaet Renell, Wernerfelt and Blanche.
Nicholas Paxevanos
Tlf: +45 22 36 06 12